Saturday, February 22, 2014

Thing 2~ Mobile Device Tips

I watched some of the videos on iOS 7 and did learn some new things about my iPad/iPhone.  It even inspired me to check out a Missing Manual iPad book because I'm pretty sure there are plenty more things that I don't know about my device!

New things I've been using so far: time stamp on text messages, control panel, photo editing, and bold print.  It got me thinking a little, though.  My husband, among others, is always complaining about how Apple products are supposed to be so intuitive yet he finds them difficult to navigate.  I love my iPhone and wouldn't want to change to anything else.  I can see, though, that the quest for simplicity and a clean screen sometimes means that things are somewhat hidden.  Luckily, they seem to be "hidden" the same way across most apps.  I think it comes down to what you get used to and just re-enforces the importance of learning more about your own device.